1992 Classic Flashback to be recreated in HD


Later this year, PlayStation and Xbox versions of the 1992 sidescrolling classic Flashback will be released in HD. According to developer Vector Cell, the remake will be based on the original game, while inculcating the best of modern technology. Ubisoft says that Flashback will be released this summer.

In the re-imagined version of the game, Conrad will continue to stop an invasion from extraterrestrial beings. Unreal Engine 3 will be used to build the game, which will allow for some good visuals and sequences.

Vector Cell went on to say that all characters and enemies from the initial release of the game will be back for this version. There is also talk of some background characters having a greater role to play. Certain environmental aspects of the game could be touched up and players would be able to see more than what they could in the original.

The developers feel that they would be able to retain the essence of the game with the new release and that they would be able to enhance the gameplay to be more dynamic and reactive. The game will be brought up to the gaming standards of today and the production team are satisfied that they have managed to do the re-imagination justice.