Nintendo launches Earthbound Beginnings sequel on Wii U


Game manufacturer Nintendo has launched the sequel of the Earthbound Beginnings on the Wii U Virtual Console and has surprised fans who have been waiting for it for about 25 years. Gaming platform ‘Mother’ has turned out to be more successful in the US than Japan.

NIntendo earthbound beginnings

Nintendo has been popular among the gamers and is known for some animations including Tetris, Super Mario and the Legend of Zekda. The company recently announced the latest version of the ‘Earthbound Beginnings’ and the sequel has been due to be launched since 25 years. Nintendo’s much awaited World Championship has begun this week and allows fans to known the updates about the recent projects.

Some of the first announcement was about the prequel of the ‘Earthbound Beginnings’ and was announced right from the time the makers started making its presentations. 25 years back the game was produced under the name of ‘Mother’ but in 2015, the developers have tried giving it a modern touch and named it as ‘Earthbound Beginnings’.

The new game will be compatible with many other consoles. On the other hand tech enthusiasts who have tried their hands on it said that the new platform has some great music and a great story. Tech analysts added that there are many features which have indicated that the game was under development for the past 25 years.

Photo Credits: uncovermichigan