Apple rejects mobile games with gun images


US based tech giant Apple has been rejecting a few mobiles games from the iOS app store as they displayed guns. The iPhone maker rejected games which had guns in the promotional material or app store icon. For now the new policy has not been applied on the actual in-game content.

apple games with gung

The mobile developers had started receiving rejections from Apple on the iTunes Connect. The iTunes Connect is a portal which provides feedback on the appstore games and the first rejection was reported by Pocket Gamer. The new policy change was so sudden that developer Orangepixel which launched its mobile game Gunslugs II on January 16, 2015 learned about the new policy when it tried to launch an update for the game just two weeks later. The rejection was just on one screenshot. The image was approved by Apple during the original release.

Now it seems like Apple is rejecting all the images of guns no matter how realistic or violent the firearms might be. So far no official announcement has been made by Apple with regard to the app store standards. It is also not clear how wide the new regulation of Apple is and how many other mobile games have been affected.

Attempts were made to talk to apple about the new regulation, but no official statement or information was given on record.

Photo Credits: gamasutra