Call of Duty: Ghosts to premiere in August 2013


Disregarding the trend of revealing multiplayer games in September, American video game developer Infinity Ward is getting ready to release its Call of Duty: Ghosts in August 2013. Mark Rubin – executive producer of Infinity Ward – confirmed that the company will be presenting the game’s multiplayer next month.

Call of Duty Ghosts to premiere in August 2013

Rubin tweeted that the team is rushing to finish the game as there is plenty of work left to be done, but they are also looking forward to multiplayer in August 2013. He further stated that the highly-anticipated multiplayer would be revealed in the ‘middle’ of next month, without mentioning the exact date. With this in mind, there is a chance we could see Call of Duty: Ghosts at GamesCom 2013, even though it will be held from August 21, 2013 until August 25, 2013, which is technically the third week of August.

On the other hand, considering the kind of reception Swedish video game developer EA Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment (DICE) received for showcasing its Battlefield 4’s multiplayer at E3 2013 conference, Infinity Ward will most likely want to make the biggest splash possible. When it comes to what the game’s multiplayer will actually feature, best guesses for the time being are dogs.

Call of Duty: Ghosts is set to be released for PC, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Wii U on November 5, 2013 and for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One once the next-gen consoles are released.