Nintendo launches first mobile app


Gaming giant Nintendo is all set to launch its ‘Miitomo’ app in Japan and will feature customizable characters which are known as the Miis. The users will have the independence to create the avatars that can be created by using smartphone camera.

nintendo app

The words ‘Miitomo’ ‘Tomo’ means ‘friend’ in Japanese and is also due to be introduced in the US and other markets later in the year 2016. However, Nintendo is yet to announce the release dates. The new app is a big decision for Nintendo which is known for fiercely protecting its intellectual properties.
It is observed that Nintendo rarely produces content for other platforms than its own whether it is original Nintendo Entertainment System to the Wii U console , which has always lagged behind PlayStation 4 by Sony and Microsoft’s Xbox One which is in sale since it was launched in 2012.
Miitomo is the first app out of five apps which are all set to be launched over the next year in partnership with the Japan based mobile company DeNA. This is a goof opportunity for Nintendo to reach billions of consumers. There is a plunge in the mobile gaming sector in recent times but despite that, the gaming giant remains committed in making dedicated games for its console.

Photo Credits: nintendo